Observation, snow-meteorological conditions & advice of the day…
Observation from 3200m : 31/03/2025 – 15:06:29
Sky: Grand Bleu | Visibility : Perfect | Temperature : -3°C
Wind speed : 50 Km/h | Direction : Nord Est Windchill : -13°C
Last snowfall : 23/03/2025 – Hight : 30cm
Lift openings :
To 2400m :
To 3200m : To 3600m :
Local Avalanche Risk Estimation :
Patrollers’ Advices :
Due to the wind in altitude,only the first part of the lift is open. Beware of the rising temperatures during the day (Snow slides possible). Beware of hidden rocks under snow on untrack places Attention on the glacier ! Outside of the ski path. Risk of falling into crevasses.
———— Do not forget your DVA-Shovel-Probe kit.
Do not ski alone.
Do not follow tracks if you don’t know where they lead.
Automated observation
(Nivose vallons de chancel)
MétéoFrance observation over the last 7 days in Oisans